WTF is Horizon?

WTF is Horizon?
Photo by Taylor Vick / Unsplash

You may see on some of my sites that I have a small script that loads "". Horizon is my personal Umami install that lets me collect basic analytics data about all of you fuggly people! No, don't worry, I don't want your data, I just wanna see where you guys are connecting from so I can do fun stuff, like add a load balancer in regions that get a lot of traffic.

To ease your mind, here is a list of sites that I am currently using Horizons on:

Feel free to block it, but if you do, just know I will be sad 😭. I also can't guarantee that I won't send John Wick after you with a pencil. And if you try to sue... This guy is my lawyer: Saul Goodman

Anyways, have a wonderful day, you fucks <3